Joe and I just got back from our whirlwind weekend in Houston of friends, food, and art. We are already missing all our Houston peeps and are currentely working on a transporter to beam us there whenever we want mexican food and great people. The show The Distance between Two Points: Joe Ives and Jahjehan Bath Ives with Mackey Gallery OFFsite was awesome. We had a great time flying in with our art and setting up for a cinco de mayo opening. It was so fantastic to see everyone and we had such a great time that we basically forgot to take pictures - so believe us more than two people showed up. So imagine lots of folks in front of the art and enjoy the shots. Also if you didn't get there to watch the videos you can see them here on the blog - click on March posts and watch centering. Then go to Joe's blog at www.joeeives.blogspot.com and you can watch his video too.